Charms to attract money actively used by people to increase well-being. It is an effective way of attracting money. Fix an action of the pets is possible with the ease of conspiracies in the portfolio.
How to make money mascot with your own hands?

If You want to earn money, and ran to his family to the river, do the simple and the costume, that You will surely help. To create a magical amulet to light:
- currency;
- wire (thin and thick);
- pliers.
To prepare this talisman uses special technology to. You apply it, you can cook a talisman to attract wealth in the house.
In the first place, You need to take a thick wire and make it a circle. It must be the size of the coin selected (it should be inserted in the cooked frame). The ends of the wire connect on the top floor and make among themselves. Leave a slice of 5 cm length, and all the rest of the wire can be cut.
Next, prepare the additional decoration of joss. Take the thin wire, cut it in small pieces and roll them into rings. The next step take ready the frame and the fine wire. You must be such a wire, as if it were a snake, intertwining ready structure. Through a nozzle set on fine wire ring. Your need is not too tight to bend to the inside. With the thin wire clamp between themselves the small links.
Then take again the thick wire and make it a ring. The size should be slightly smaller than the previous one. Now the edge of the wire fold inside. This ring should attach to the first. This is done with the help of a procrastination.
Link the second element in small rings. Thus, you have the double frame. He will fulfill the role of the front to the edge of the coin — it is inserted by a small ring inside the large. On the back parts of currency should secure the wire. Choose any aesthetic way. The remaining pony tails of wire and bend as well, to get the amulet it was possible to attach in the chain.
Why these difficulties? The more work you invest mascot, the greater is its energy that it absorbs. Respectively, your item magical happens much more strong than any one.
When the box mascot will be ready, your need to talk. The spell is like this:
My dwarf weaves me amulet for money and wealth. And I will tell you, in response, that I want to luck. And each day, and each hour will start gathering the money in my pocket.
Strong talismans to attract money

For that money flowed into the hands of a river, you must talk to her in a special way. That is how You will be able to attract well-being in your home.
Magic note
To the accomplishment of the rite to determine which note You are going to say. Preferably, for she was a great dignity, but You should not be your worth. From this, a bill that estimates that You choose will depend on your wealth.
The lower the worthiness the selected notes, the less money You will attract back to the house. Selected money can not be in any case you lose. After the completion of the rite need to hide in a pocket, in the wallet, and not get them out of there.
Note that the money must be obtained in a special way. For example, You gave the party a certain amount, select a currency. Or did You make a new project, fixed up in a new job and received your first salary, have not worth mentioning of the entire amount of a note, and talk about it.
For 12-15 lunar day, take the prepared a bill, come with her to the window and to whisper:
How to grow a young man of a month, and the money will stay in my house more.
Repeat the text five times. In this case it is necessary to keep a project of law, therefore, that the light of the moon shines on it and for You. With the help of this rite You will be able to attract money and to increase your well-being. Remember that it is important not only to not spend the money, but not to show them to anyone, not strange man, not to the next-of-kin.
The bag with the money
For a start, You should build a house for denezhek. To do this, arm yourself with the white rough matter, and that makes her a small bag. When the bag is ready, it needs to be three times sprinkle them with consecrated water, reading the "our Father".
After that, remove your wallet and some coins. Let the meet your weight heap. It is not important, currencies, of a dignity which You are going to use. Before you perform the rite cross each currency and squirting holy water. After you put them in front of you, (not working), and, presenting each currency of queue-to-face, says:
Penny the pulchellus denarium, piglet to piglet, Fifty dollars to quinquaginta, the ruble, the ruble, the Duchy to the chervontsu, all to the court.
After that, as the words are spoken, put all the attributes prepared a sachet and place it as far as possible. Jinxed attribute to attract the well-being of anybody, you can't see.
For the rite of stronger influence, in addition, apply a horseshoe in the function of an amulet. She needs to knock on the door of entry, so that she was turned upside down.
Purse for coins in their hands

Crafts from the times of paganism was closely associated with magic. Here, the general rule is that the more work will be added to the magic of the thing, the stronger it will be. So, done with their own hands a purse for coins and notes can become a powerful talisman attracts money.
How to produce it? Choose from any of the material, which causes that you like. In addition, to respect you and your skills. If you do not know how to work with the skin, or pearls, for example, to leave the choice of the material from which it will be able to do a beautiful thing.
Engage in such a embroidery need only in the crescent of the moon. If you are unable to make a scholarship during this period, you need to take a break until the next. After the manufacturing of your need to speak, and this is done, also, in the crescent moon, on a clear night — the month should be visible. Place it in the pouch, a handful of any currencies. From a window display for the month and say:
Month-boyfriend, legs, silvered, horns golden! Give-gold-silver-me in the Subjects good, Gives you profit and prosperity! Leave the bag, my soon is populated, And always benefits shed! Amen.
Bag open, leave on the window sill during the night. At sunrise, close it, and hide it under your pillow for three days. Only after the completion of drawing up a ritual of your portfolio, you will enjoy by appointment.
Away from money, "cup Full" of your hands
To make this simple and effective of a mascot, You need to take:
- the greater a metal bowl;
- a small pile of coins (they need to have from the portfolios of all who reside in the apartment);
- candle wax;
- a little bit of holy water.
Put in front of you to sailing, burn it, and whisper, the text of the "our Father". Dagger, sprinkle ability consecrated water and place inside it a coin. Use also conspiracies " to attract money.
Having every one of them in the hands, think about what is not and cents, major accounts. And they fall into a big bowl, that symbolizes your family budget.
When the container is completely filled, You must whisper about her:
Like this cup full, and my house will be full of prosperity and joy.
How to simply attract prosperity?

To the family of all times was the wealth, You must obtain a special mascot. For its creation, arm yourself with magnetic powder. It can be bought or made by yourself.
To do this, with the help of the magnetic file to make powder of magnetized a piece of metal. If possible, it is advisable to paint the powder in golden color. This will strengthen the magical properties of the mascot.
Dust resulting fold into a small pouch (can be painted in golden color). Hide received scholarship in the hallway so that it does not stood up against the eyes, and the certainty of money that soon will come in Your home.
A ritual with water
Is performed the rite of only 12 to 15 lunar day. You should take a shower and wash all the negative energy, which met throughout the day. Then write a complete private bathroom and immerse your currency. It is important, for it was of silver. Once I dive into the water and whisper:
Silver vodicka, bring it to the abundance, prosperity and happiness. Amen.
Bathing should not be more than 10 minutes. Now, the water should drain out, and the currency to hide in a safe place. This is not the only rite with water, which is carried to attract money. Popularity have Simon rituals that are performed to increase the wealth and happiness in the home.
Simple, the money pet
There are several simple ways to call the state to the family. To do this, not necessarily pass on complex rituals to attract money. Just enough to arm themselves with all the attributes.
Blue purse
In each house should be similar to a stock exchange. He will be able to attract the prosperity of the whole family, and You will soon notice how your money will come in your hands. Blue leather pouch fold attributes, such as:
- tourmaline;
- anise;
- cardamom;
- absinthe;
- saffron;
- cinnamon;
- pen of poultry;
- a magnet in the shape of a horseshoe;
- a bit of cedar closed.
This bag put in his room no one, do not leave it in the hand.
Magic frog
The monetary system of a frog – is the most popular, the amulet of the feng shui, used to attract wealth. If You have decided to opt for this talisman, then choose the statue, made exclusively from onyx or jade. This is the kind of pet that can attract wealth to your home.
The monetary system of a frog, you should stand with your back to the entrance door, as if it's only jumped in to your house and brought wealth. But you can put it in the southwest sector of the house, which is responsible for the prosperity. In addition, another suitable for the mascot location — living room. If you have an aquarium, put near him the frog. These two positive symbol will mutually reinforce each other.
The frog is afraid of height. For this, place in small magazines the tables or the shelves. Under the figurine is recommended to put a pinch of any monetary plants — for example, mint or basil.

Still one of the most popular mascots feng shui. Hotei is known all over the world, as a god of prosperity, of abundance, of joy and of happiness. Run, a figure can be of different materials:
- wood;
- the clay;
- stone.
In magical properties happy God is not affected by what material it is made. It is important, for the mascot was in the corridor, I found the cash flow and do not let them out of the house. He should be facing the face leaving the house. Post a dummy Hotea also in the southeastern part of the condo is a zone of wealth. In addition, it can be on the desktop.
Daily, passes through a procedure — pass God in the belly, flattery and bringing good luck in financial terms. To make that dream carried out, you must caress the belly God 300 times, thinking of her. Specialists in feng shui recommend doing this, and before you leave the house to attract good luck.
Magical fruit to enrich the
Gold and orange – the color of wealth. Therefore, keep the inside of your home are more dating. If there is no possibility to do this, use fruit magical:
- orange;
- grapefruit;
- apricots;
- papaya;
- quinces;
- tangerine.
Ask some of these fruits are always in prominent places in the different rooms. This will help to capture the cash flow and send it to your apartment. A condition fruit must be fresh. You can eat, and then buy new ones. If you don't like fruit, you can use plaster models.
The currency in plants
Choose a few coins from your wallet (your number must match the number of plants in the house). Preferably, in order that they have been of great value. Each currency sprinkle holy water, and bury one in each vase.
Policies for money will help you attract well-being in your house and directing positive energy flows to You. Use simple and effective lucky charms, tune in any of the positive emotions and have fun with life.